Tuesday, May 11, 2004

A few reasons for the long blogging hiatus:

  1. I got tired of bitching about my job. After a while, every piece of bitching seemed to draw the response from my inner critic- "So why don't you just leave then?" (To which my inner economist drew up a picture of the job market in New York City) In addition, by the necessity of keeping job bitching pseudnonymous, I always felt like I was limiting the blog's audience to people who already knew about my discontent and had heard them a million times. I'm keeping it pseudononymous, though I can't imagine anyone navigating their way here doesn't know my real name, but I'm not going to be real serious about protecting my secret identity. That means that the job bitchings will be limited to my other blog, which is less of a blog per se than a series of random mutterings under my breath that I make on the R train in between spitting on eldery passengers.
  2. I really found the name kinda pretentious and long winded. I mean, it's a pain for you to type in, you who have been so loyally visiting my updateless site for the last few months. It was just a name, based on an old Yiddish saying that I got out of a book of quotes when I was twelve that stuck with me for a while, but after a few months, it seemed to embody the worst kind of blogger boosterism from the political blogs I read- that they were the lone truth tellers fighting against a biased and indifferent media. Therefore, I pledge to you that any truth told here will be (a) boring, (b) trivial, and (c) easily found elsewhere. The running? Well running's just good exercise.
  3. I kinda had two other blog projects festering in my mind, one of them, a non anonymous blog, can be found in it's stillborn state in a fairly obvious place, and the other, a group blog, will be coming soon.
  4. General procrastination and laziness, which, technically speaking, this should be the perfect outlet for, but in general, I procrastinate specifically on writing projects. My first piece for the The High Hat should be up soon, and that has in all seriousness been a serious blow against my writer's block and procrastination. I figure keeping this up will be good writing practice.


At 1:36 PM, Blogger DNR said...

Yeah, I recycled the joke.


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