Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Stop smashing that window and you'll get 10% off Buffalo Wings at Applebee's

The New York Times: Just Keep It Peaceful Protesters> New York Is Offering Discounts

My main response to this is the same response I've had to every news item over the last month- Thank God I'll be in Phoenix on business during the convention.

My other reaction is that surely they've got the plays mixed up here:
The Republicans get "Rent," the people who oppose them get "Tony n' Tina's Wedding."

Not that anyone is really going to be seeing plays during prime time, but isn't Rent, aside from having a score that recalls the worst of Pat Benatar, a very gay, anti-republican musical that even goes to the trouble of namechecking Newt Gingrich's Republican sister (I wonder if they still preserve that line for the proper 1994 authenticity, or if they've updated it to Mary Cheney). And while I haven't seen Tony and Tina's Wedding, doesn't it affirm the traditional definition of the institution that's the cornerstone of American society?


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